Definition Anal Sex

Anal sex  also called anal intercourse  is the sex act in which the penis is inserted into the anus of a sexual partner. The terms also called for this purpose including anus, like pegging, aniline,fingering, and object inserting.

Weather anal sex is usually linked with male homosexuality,  research shows that not all gay males engage in anal sex and that it is not uncommon in heterosexual relationships. Types of anal sex can also be a part of lesbians sexual practices.Many people find anal sex pleasurable, and some may reach orgasm  through stimulation of the prostate in men, and clitoral and G-spot leg stimulation in women.

However, many people find it painful as well.Anal sex can hurt like a mono. The rectum is not built to have things go in; only out. The vagina stretches to let in a penis and give birth, but a rectum does not. That's why, you can cause swear pain if you don't prepare her properly. That means asking her first, using lube and  going very slowly and not pounding into her like a jackrabbit.

Some men may enjoys the inserting  penis in partner's anal sex because the anal tip is usually tighter than a vagina, which can yield greater tactile pleasure for the man via his penis. The attitude of women towards being the receptive partner in this practice is diverse: while some consider it painful or uncomfortable, others find it pleasurable and some even prefer it to vaginal intercourse.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that only 26% of men 18 to 59 and 20% of women 18 to 59 had engaged in heterosexual anal sex; a similar 2005 survey of U.K States found a rising incidence of anal sex relations in the American heterosexual population. The survey showed that 40% of men and 35% of women between 25 and 44 had engaged in heterosexual anal sex.

In many Western countries, anal sex has mostly been taboo since the Middle Age when heretical movements ans feeling were sometimes attacked by accusations that their members practiced anal sex among themselves.

As with most forms of sexual interaction, individuals are at risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and that's why safe sex practices are advised. Anal sex is considered a high-risk sexual practice, and unprotected anal sex is the riskiest of all forms of sexual intercourse, due to the safety of the rectum and sphincter tissues. It is also controversial in some religious traditions, often due to prohibitions against homosexual sex acts and/or to teachings about the procreative purpose of sex. However, as attitudes toward sexuality have changed in recent years, many religious groups, especially in Americana Judaism and Christians, have become more accepting of non-procreative sex.
Anal cancer is relatively rare, accounting for about 1 percent of gastrointestinal malignancies, but as many as 4,000 new cases can be diagnosed within a year in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. Most cases of anal cancer are related to infection with the Human Papilla Virus (HPV). Anal sex alone does not cause anal cancer; the risk of anal cancer through anal sex is attributed to HPV infection, which is often contracted through unprotected anal sex. The incidence of the disease has jumped 160% in men and 78% in women in the last thirty years, according to a 2004 American study. The increase is attributed to changing trends in sexual behavior (such as a history of multiple sex partners, fifteen or more, or receptive anal sex) and smoking.

Oral sex is sexual activity

Oral sex is sexual activity involving the lubrication of the genitalia of a sex partner by the use of the mouth, tongue, teeth or throat. Oral stimulation of other parts of the body as in kissing and licking is usually not considered oral sex.People may engage in oral sex as part of foreplay before sexual intercourse, during, or as intercourse.

Contraception and Safe Sex Oral sex may be practiced by people of all sexual orientations. In heterosexual contexts, oral sex is used by some couples as a method of contraception and may be chosen as an alternative to vaginal intercourse for this reason. Oral sex alone cannot result in pregnancy. Under any normal circumstances, there is no way for sperm from the penis to enter the uterus and Fallopian tube to fertilize an egg. Ingested sperm will be killed and broken down by acid in the stomach and proteins in the small intestine.

The breakdown products will be absorbed as a negligible quantity of nutrients. However, the act does carry a potential risk of pregnancy if semen from the man comes in contact with the vaginal area indirectly. This can occur if the semen in the ejaculation is carried on the fingers, hands, or other body parts; and comes in contact with the vaginal area. It is therefore still necessary to exercise caution when having oral sex to prevent pregnancy.

STD s HPV  (multiple strains), and other Sexual Transmitted Diseases  (STD s) including HIV can be transmitted through oral sex. While the exact risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex is unknown, it is generally thought to be lower than other sex practices. The risks from most of these types of infections are generally considered far less than those associated with vaginal or anal sex.

HPV and Oral Cancer:Recent study suggests a correlation between oral sex and head and neck cancer. It is believed that this is due to the transmission of Human Papilla virus  (HPV), a virus that has been implicated in the majority of cervical cancers and which has been detected in throat cancer tissue in numerous studies. The New England Journal of Medicine study concluded that people who had one to five oral-sex partners in their lifetime had approximately a doubled risk of throat cancer compared with those who never engaged in this activity and those with more than five oral-sex partners had a 250% increased risk

Miscarriage Reduction: Oral sex is correlated with reducing the risk of miscarriages by inducing immunological tolerance to the proteins in sperm, a process known as paternal tolerance. While any exposure to a partner's semen during sexual activity appears to decrease a woman's chances for the various immunological disorders that can occur during pregnancy.

Squirting Premature

Definition:Female ejaculation also known as gushing or squirting refers to the expulsion of noticeable amounts of clear fluid by human females from the para urethral duct through and around the urethra during or before an orgasm. The exact source and nature of the fluid continues to be a topic of debate among medical professionals and is related to doubts over the existence of the G.Spot.

Report:  In questionnaire surveys, 35–50% of women report that they have at some time experienced the gushing of fluid during orgasm. Other studies find anywhere from 10–69%, depending on the definitions and methods used. For instance Krakatoa (1994) surveyed 200 women and found that 6% reported ejaculating, an additional 13% had some experience and about 60% reported release of fluid without actual gushing. Reports on the volume of fluid expelled vary considerably from amounts that would be imperceptible to a woman, to mean values of 1–5 ml, although volumes as high as one pint (473 ml) have been reported.

Source of Fluid:
         One very practical objection relates to the reported volumes ejaculated since this fluid must be stored somewhere in the pelvis, of which the urinary bladder is the largest source. The actual volume of the para-urethral tissue is quite small. By comparison, male ejaculate varies from 0.2–6.6 ml (0.04–1.3 tsp) (95% confidence interval), with a maximum of 13 ml (2.6 tsp). Therefore claims of larger amounts of ejaculate are likely to contain at least some amount of urine. The eleven specimens analyzed by Goldberg in 1983, ranged from 3–15 ml (0.6–3.0 tsp). One source states that Skene's glands are capable of excreting 30–50 ml (6–10 tsp) in 30–50 seconds, but it is unclear how this was measured and has not been confirmed. One approach is to use a chemical like methylene blue so that any urinary component can be detected.

Function: The physiological function of the purported liquid is unknown. A 2009 paper in Medical Hypotheses  suggests that it may have an anti-microbial function, protecting from urinary tract infections.

Research:Research has attempted to use chemicals that are excreted in the urine so that any urinary contamination can be detected. Further methodological issues include the fact that the composition of the fluid appears to vary with the menstrual cycle, and that the biochemical profile of the para-urethral tissues varies with age. Other issues relate to the sensitivity and specificity of the markers chosen. The key questions are the source of the fluid produced, and its composition. Some relevant findings have been presented in conferences but never published in peer review journals, and many others are in difficult to access resources.

Late 20th Century: The topic did not receive serious attention again until a review by Josephine Lowndes Sevely and JW Bennett appeared in 1978. This latter paper, which traces the history of the controversies to that point, and a series of three papers in 1981 by Beverly Whipple and colleagues in the Journal of Sex Research, became the focal point of the current debate. Whipple became aware of the phenomenon when studying urinary incontinence, with which it is often confused. As Sevely and Bennett point out, this is "not new knowledge, but a rediscovery of lost awareness that should contribute towards reshaping our view of female sexuality". Nevertheless, the theory advanced by these authors was immediately dismissed by many other authors, such as physiologist Joseph Boleyn, for not being based on rigorous scientific procedures, and psychiatrist Helen Singer Karlan (1983) stated.

''Female ejaculation (as distinct from female urination during orgasm) has never been scientifically substantiated and is highly questionable, to say the least''

Even some radical feminist writers, such as Sheila Jeffrey s  (1985) were dismissive, claiming it as a figment of male fantasy:

''There are examples in the sexological literature of men s sexual fantasies about lesbian sexuality. Kraft-Ebing invented a form of ejaculation for women''

Combination of these methods of masturbation

Masturbation is a common form of auto eroticism, providing sexual pleasure or orgasm in the absence of a partner. The act, when performed with a partner, is called mutual masturbation and is sometimes used as an alternative to sexual intercourse. Masturbation refers to the sexual stimulation of a person's genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods.